Teacher pointing to graph with student

Employer Area

Gateway, a consortium of 10 local authorities and hosted by Glasgow City Council, manages the Workit system and works extensively with schools, businesses and partners. Workit is currently used by the majority of local authorities across Scotland to manage their school work placement programmes. This area provides you with practical information and resources to support you to provide meaningful work placements.

What is a work placement?

Work placements should enable young people to experience a relevant, challenging, enjoyable and appropriate learning experience within the contemporary workplace. A placement should help the young person to make informed decisions about their future careers.

Work placements should adhere to a set of clear expectations for young people, employers, parents/carers, schools and local authorities on what work placements should deliver. The standard will also be used within the school inspection process.

(From the Education Scotland Developing the Young Workforce Work Placements Standard)

Get Involved

Whether you’re an employer offering a work placement for the first time or you’re already involved in the programme, the information and resources here will guide you through the process of delivering a successful placement.

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