• Q. I don’t employ anyone. Will my Public Liability Insurance cover the placement?
  • A. No, this will not cover pupils when they are at work. Most public liability policies will cover any accidental injury or damage to third party property arising from the actions of the pupil on work placement. You should check your policy document and if you are in any doubt about the adequacy of coverage, contact your insurer or the broker who arranged the policy. Similarly, personal insurance policies won’t cover young people on work placements.

For more information visit ABI.

ABI - Work experience students
  • Q. Payment – does the young person get paid for the placement?
  • A. No, young people on school work placements should not receive any payment. Young people on internships for example might receive a payment, but these placements are set up separately and the agency you are dealing with will advise you.
  • Q. Do I need to have a PVG check to host a work placement?
  • A. Employers are generally not required to have a PVG check in place to host work placements. In most cases of one to one travelling or working, parental consent is sufficient in the absence of a PVG check – see safeguarding document.

Please note, some local authorities do not allow one to one working at all.

Pupils are generally not required to have a PVG check to go on a work placement. They are minors and should not be left unsupervised or included in supervision ratios with vulnerable service users, however, if your organisation is a member of the PVG scheme then you may insist on a PVG check for the young person.

Please note: this advice can vary between local authorities so it’s always best to check with your local work placement team.

For more information visit PVG Scheme.

PVG Scheme
  • Q. What should I do if a pupil arrives unexpectedly at my place of work to do their work placement?
  • A. This should not happen, however, in the event of an error or misunderstanding, please contact the pupil’s school who will make arrangements for them to be returned to school. See the Employer Responsibilities section for more information.
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