This form has to be completed by your supervisor and be discussed with you at the end of your placement. Take a copy and give you your supervisor on your placement
The purpose of the induction is to help the young person settle into the placement as quickly as possible and to be aware of the Health & Safety requirements and provisions.
Health and Safety Executive advice for staff who are responsible for organising Work Placements
Our Online Behaviour and Safeguarding Agreement - this should be read and signed by young people and provider before starting any online work related learning
some useful information about how to behave and stay safe online
The template from HSE is available to support employers who may be employing (or on a work placement) a young person for the first time and require a YP risk assessment
Link to Fife Council website
The standard sets out expectations for the young person, employer, school and local authority and parent/carer before, during and after work placements- Workit has been designed in line with this standard
Virtual Work Placement Decision Tree
This document outlines the activities required for a virtual work placement and the roles and responsibilities of employers and schools
Advice provided by ABI on employer liability insurance and work experience
Link for Health and Safety Executive website
ATOS - mock interview session
Sky - mock interview session
I want to register to offer a work placement
I have a general enquiry or want some support from the team