Meet all the health and safety requirements as directed by the work placement team ensuring all risks are controlled prior to the start of the placement.
Find out about the young person’s abilities and interests to help you to develop a suitable programme. This could be done by including an application process prior to agreeing a placement.
Plan a schedule of activities/tasks for the young person to undertake during their placement. Consideration should be given to making it as close to a real work environment as possible.
Identify a member of staff to support and supervise the young person on placement.
Brief your team about the young person’s placement and ensure they know the placement plan; the young person’s allocated supervisor and the team’s role in contributing to success of the placement.
Carry out an induction at the start of the placement which will provide the young person with appropriate training and guidance, including a health and safety briefing and any PPE required.
Inform your school contact, provided before the placement, if the young person does not attend, is absent/ill or if you have any concerns during the placement.
Give constructive feedback to the young person at the end of the placement and seek their views on the placement.
Have a debrief session with your team and identify any improvements to your programme and feed back to the work placement team as appropriate.
Overall management and coordination of their work placement programme.
Ensure all placements have been approved according to their local authority‘s management of work placement arrangements prior to the placement start date.
Check for age restrictions - The Education (Scotland) Act 1980 states that pupils below the statutory school leaving age can participate in work placements from 1 May prior to their statutory leaving year.
Prepare young people for their placement including acceptable behaviour, procedures for emergencies, sickness/ absence/lateness reporting and general health and safety guidance.
Match the placement to align with the young person’s studies, career aspirations, abilities and capabilities.
Need to share appropriate information about on the young person in relation to their physical, social and emotional wellbeing and any specific support needs (in compliance with Data Protection).
Provide a named staff member to liaise with the employer to provide support and guidance whenever necessary.
Make regular contact with the young person during their placement and support them to maximise their learning from the placement.
Ensure the quality assurance process includes input from both the employer and the young person and feedback any ideas for enhancements to the programme.
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